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byte per second中文

用"byte per second"造句"byte per second" in a sentence"byte per second"怎麼讀


  • 字節每秒
  • 字節秒


  • However , this device should produce up to 160 , 000 bits 20 , 000 bytes per second
  • Maximum bytes per second
  • Displays the number of bytes per second allocated on the garbage collection heap
    Allocated bytes / second (每秒分配的字節數)顯示每秒在垃圾回收堆上分配的字節數。
  • Displays performance indicators . triangles , frames per second and transfer rate in bytes per second are displayed in white text in the upper - right corner of the guild wars window
  • Most of the installations are costly what with the high price of lava lamps these days , and the generator only outputs about 550 bits a bit less than 70 bytes per second
    新聞界不使用它,并且它也并沒有阻止最近一部關于不懷好意的編程者的影片以“黑客” (而不是“駭客” )命名。
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